Teenage boy bore with werewolf syndrome tells his story
– Meet a 13-year-old boy born with a condition known as ‘Werewolf Syndrome’
– His face, neack, back, belly and legs are fully covered with dark hair
– However, the boy is okay with his appearance and says it is ‘the will of Allah’
Muhammad Raihan, aged 13, is an unusuall teenage boy, he was born with Hypertrichosis informally known as werewolf syndrome.
Muhammad Raihan, 13, suffers from a condition known as ‘Werewolf Syndrome’ which sees him covered with an unusual amount of hair
The boy’s appearance is similar to the mythical werewolf as his entire body and face are covered with long dark hair. Surprisingly, Muhammad, who lives with his family in Mamburung village in North Kalimantan, Indonesia, has rejected medical treatment.
His widowed mother Pardan showed her son to locals doctors but reconciled with the condition after was told his hair would grow longer and thicker with age and long-term treatment is very expensive.
She said: “He had more hair on his body than my elder son but I was not worried as every child is different. However my concern grew when the hair grew longer and thicker.
His father and I were worried about the excessive hair growth and took him to several doctors but none could treat him. Some did offer laser surgery but it was beyond our financial capacity so we stopped.”
Muhammad is a devout Muslim who believes that his condition not a curse but is a blessing from God. The boy revered as a Hindu God accepts his appearance with grace and plans to serve as a mosque cleric in gratitude.
“I am blessed by God and this makes me happy. I am his favourite child and want to serve him my whole life. I don’t want any medical treatment because I’m happy this way,” he said.
Hypertrichosis (also called Ambras syndrome) is an abnormal amount of hair growth over the body. Hypertrichosis can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired later in life. There is no cure for any congenital forms of hypertrichosis. The treatment for acquired hypertrichosis is based on attempting to address the underlying cause
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